Short Courses Online
Each is a 4-hour, online short course with a maximum of 12 Participants per batch and a Bonus of 7 days of Daily Guidance on WhatsApp
Tap the Pain Away
Do you suffer from a stubborn pain in your body that refuses to go despite medicines, tests, and consultations? Or are you going through a period of mental and emotional anguish or disturbance? Do you have deep emotional fears, phobias, or addiction to suffering?
With the ‘Tap the Pain Away’ Course, you will release some of the biggest stressors inside the body to cure physical pain and emotional anguish.
Learn the importance of 12 Meridian points in the body
Manage and cure your chronic physical body and joint pains
Get rid of your deepest emotional fears and addictions
Experience Lightness and Expansion of your Energy
Love Your Breath
Do you live in a constant state of panic that something bad is about to happen? Do you think stress and uneasiness are stopping you from living your best life?
If this sounds familiar, the Love Your Breath workshop is a session meant for you to help you overcome your negative emotions and lead a better life.
Make your breath, your biggest weapon against anxiety and depression
Achieve emotional well-being through right breathing techniques
Help your body recuperate from pent-up stress and tension
Breathe and facilitate calm and clarity. Let go of worry.
Declutter Your Mind
Do you experience intrusive thoughts that you try to silence, but are unsuccessful? Do you feel weighed down by these uncontrollable thoughts?
Our cabinets and cupboards need de-cluttering from time to time, so do our minds. Get effective tools to clear the mental chatter and sweep off brain cobwebs.
Let go of thoughts that turn your mental space into a chaotic one
Get the much-needed clarity with journaling and master prioritization
Stay focused, motivated, productive, and make better decisions
Any moldy thoughts and emotions catching dust in your mental closet?
Heal Your Sleep, Heal Your Stress
Did you know that the lack of or disturbed sleep is the first sign that our body is suffering?
In the never-ending battle for achieving our goals, we often forget to take care of our bodies. While we might appear to be fit and healthy, our exhaustion is manifesting in different ways.