One of my close business partners is leaving the company. Today we said goodbye to each other. He said he
noticed how I expressed gratitude towards the team. He appreciated that I was always grateful. Your
coaching made all the difference and people noticed it.
Dr Arya NairClient
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I had a burning issue in my head so just now I did EFT for that. I am feeling so good and relaxed as if I am
out after a hair-spa. I am feeling really good about myself. When I saw your message in the group, I had full
intention to do EFT for my fear but suddenly something came up and I ended up addressing that issue
instead of my fear.
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Thank you Preeta for guiding us. I am working on my manifestation everyday. I made a routine as you have
suggested. I am chanting, meditating and accepting the things around me. I became much more peaceful
and observant. But I got stuck sometimes when my mind told me that I became more relaxed than my age.
I should work hard, otherwise I will miss the opportunity. But I trust and have faith in the divine plan and
guidance. I can feel the change in me everyday and I am working on it. Thank you, thank you.