Sound will be the Medicine of Future
“Sound will be the medicine of the future,” said American spiritualist Edgar Cayce. It takes millions of dollars & years of research to bring a single drug into the market. Is it really possible for something simple as sound to replace a pill, if so what can it treat and who can benefit from this?
This article explains how you can kiss goodnight to your insomnia or heal anything from a deep-rooted trauma to unexplained aches and pains using sound. Oh, wait there is a surprise element for all your pet parents. if you have a pet, you shouldn’t miss this one. Even otherwise, give it a read. I promise you will walkway with insightful takeaways.
Healing powers of sound
Ever Wondered how as nomads we never had access to antiseptics & aspartame and still recovered from infections. Our body can heal itself naturally, provided it is in a conducive environment for the healing to take place. Sound has been a healing practice since ancient times, but it has been recognized in the west in recent years. By now there has already been enough research to prove the benefits of sound as a healing medium.
How does sound heal?
Sound is a set of vibrations that travel through air and water. When these vibrations enter the human body, it accelerates the body’s ability to heal itself. Sound puts you in a relaxed state turning off the fight or flight mode, all that is healthy hail when you are relaxed.
Sound healing is done by playing various instruments or vocal tuning at various frequencies desirable to heal that particular illness. A healer has extensive knowledge of what vibrational frequencies to use for any particular purpose being achieved.
Who can benefit from sound?
Just like everything else, the sound is a vibration that can be perceived by every living organism. Yes, the animals, the birds as well.
The furry babies have shown unconditional acceptance of my sound sessions. There have been instances where not just domestic animals but also wild animals responded well to the sound.
The animals respond to it by licking, chewing, yawning, or shaking their bodies. These are all good indications. It is an indicator of releasing stuck energy. Sometimes they self adjust and move to feel an instrument at a particular part of their body they want to heal. fascinating, isn’t it?
What can sound heal?
sound uses your body’s ability to heal and so it can heal almost anything. From stress to insomnia Parkinson’s and even cancer
When sound is played, the shift from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system happens instantly. The body’s rest and digest mechanism is activated, this can lead to reversing lifestyle disorders and several autoimmune conditions as well.
At a cellular level, it also enhances the antioxidant activity, removing all the toxins, and therefore enhancing immunity as well.
Sound can also penetrate through limbs causing the muscles and deep tissues to relax.
Sound also works at a subconscious level enabling mental clarity, the release of any stuck emotion or trauma from the past, and creates a window for change and divine connection.
The sound perceived by the ear, passes through the auditory nerve, stimulates the vagus nerve which then stimulates every organ in the body. All your organs operate more effectively. You wake up feeling relaxed, refreshed, and full of vigor
All this might sound a little overwhelming until you try it out for yourselves and your furry beings. Look out for online sessions here or get in touch if you would like to heal any underlying condition.
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